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How to create a supportive and inclusive workplace for people with disability

One in five Australian’s live with disability. Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and understanding which can cause people with disability to be overlooked for employment opportunities.

What we do know is people with disability bring a range of benefits to the workplace. People with disability bring diverse skills, perspectives, experiences, abilities and qualifications to the workplace, and work in a wide range of jobs.

Australian and international studies have also proven people with disability to be reliable and productive employees, with lower recruitment, insurance cover and compensation costs, and higher retention rates.

For more than 60 years, Good Sammy has helped employers create inclusive and supportive workplaces for people with disability. Over this time, we’ve compiled a list of seven key areas for businesses and organisations to focus on to help retain people with disability.

1. On the job awareness training

Providing regular training programs to create an inclusive workplace helps all the staff understand and have a better awareness of the needs of people with disability. Not all disability is visible or obvious, so raising awareness helps everyone.

2. Workplace flexibility

Workplace flexibility has become more commonplace, particularly in the last couple of years. Flexibility is a critical component for attracting and retaining people with disability. Flexibility needs to cater to the individual requirements and will help people with disability manage fluctuating periods of health, medical appointments, carer availability and other additional responsibilities they may have. Consider flexible start and finish times, and potential work from home options.

3. Job support

As with all employees, regular discussions are critical to understand possible changing needs and task suitability. This also would assist in determining if extra training or development is required, or if a support person is needed for certain task completion.

4. Training and development

As with any role, ongoing training and development opportunities are vital to help further extend task capability and completion, specific to any job.

5. Capacity understanding

Understanding any restrictions or challenges helps design a work schedule and tasks that suit the capacity of individuals. This can also include areas where organisations and businesses can assist in expanding the skillsets of people with disability, to further promote employability. This will make the role and workplace more rewarding for everyone.

6. Induction

As with any new employee, helping people settle in is very important. Understand any unique needs an employee with disability may have and ensure this is communicated early. Set up a buddy system to help ease new team members in and available for questions.  The induction will be the first indication of the culture of the organisation and its inclusiveness.

7. Employment assistance fund (EAF)

The EAF provides financial assistance to help eligible people with disability and mental health conditions, and employers, to buy work related modifications, equipment, Auslan services and workplace assistance and support services. The EAF is available to eligible people with disability who are about to start a job, are self-employed or who are currently working. It is also available to people with disability who need Auslan assistance or special work equipment to look for and prepare for a job. For more information, please refer to: 

For further support information for employers and people with disability view:

Next steps

At Good Sammy we help create opportunities for people of all abilities. We provide the expertise and support to help employers create inclusive and diverse workplaces, and enable people with disability to have the opportunity for employment. There are so many benefits to employing people with disability. Part of our role is to help both employers and employees achieve successful win-win employment outcomes.

If you are considering employing people with disability, we’d love to chat with you. Call us today on 9463 0500 or email [email protected]

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