We are delighted to introduce ourselves as your new Containers for Change service provider.
We have been working closely with the Shire of Chittering to ensure a seamless transition and are committed to delivering a convenient and quality service to you.
What date will the transition come into effect?
We are expecting a handover date on 1 July 2024
How will the service change?
There will be an increase in the days that containers can be recycled.
A service is currently offered 3-days per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday), however we will increase this to 7-days per week by installing Drop & Go stations.
There will also be an opportunity for Good Sammy to place more accessible bins at other key locations within the Shire.
What is a Drop & Go station?
Soon to be installed at the Muchea Landfill (536 Wandena Road, Lower Chittering) and the Bindoon Landfill (Mingah Road, Mooliabeenee), Drop & Go stations offer a quick and contact-free option to return your 10c containers.
To receive 10c per container using a Drop & Go station:
1. Bag your eligible drink containers (this includes water bottles, soft drink cans and bottles, and juice boxes).
2. Securely attach a tag with your member number.
3. Drop them into the chute.
Good Sammy will count the containers and deposit the money into your nominated bank account, using your member number payment details. For those who prefer to donate the containers to Good Sammy, containers can be bagged and clearly marked “Donation to Good Sammy”.
For more information about the Drop & Go service, visit the Containers for Change website.
How do I get a member number?
Sign up for a Containers for Change member number online. Call the Containers for Change hotline on 13 42 42 for any questions or issues.
Who can I contact if I have large quantities of containers to refund?
Good Sammy will collaborate directly with businesses and organisations that have a large quantity of containers. Please contact us to discuss how we can work together.
– Email [email protected]
– Or call 9463 0500
Why has Good Sammy acquired the Shire of Chittering’s Containers for Change business?
We have successfully operated large-scale Containers for Change refund points and Drop & Go sites since the scheme’s inception in 2020. As a for-purpose organisation, our core mission is to create employment opportunities for Western Australians with disability, and our Containers for Change business supports that endeavour. Not only does it create jobs in truck driving, warehousing, customer service and administration, it also provides a valuable revenue stream so the organisation can create further opportunities for people with disability and have greater impact.
How will I benefit from the new partnership with Good Sammy?
You will now have access to a more convenient contact-free Drop & Go service, 7-days per week. We also hope to add more Drop & Go stations in key locations throughout the Shire, providing even more access and convenience for the community in the future.
If you are a business or organisation, we can also work with you to maximise the recycling of containers that occurs within your community by providing signage, training and communication materials.
You will also have access to other Good Sammy services that we offer our partners as further means to create employment opportunities for people with disability. This includes disability employment, disability awareness training, corporate volunteering and more.
Can I collect donated goods for Good Sammy to sell in their stores?
Absolutely! Your community will appreciate you providing a convenient option for them to save quality pre-loved items from landfill, and you will be helping to create jobs for Western Australians with disability. Ask us about getting a donation hub installed on-site or consider hosting regular donation drives. We can work with you to coordinate collection when we service the Drop & Go stations at Bindoon and Muchea landfills.
How else can I get involved with Good Sammy?
There are many ways to get involved with Good Sammy. Whether it’s through volunteering, using our other business services, collecting donations, arranging group tours and volunteer experiences, or becoming an employer partner – we value strong relationships and would love to chat with you about how we can work together.
How does Good Sammy make a difference in the community?
Who can I contact if I have concerns or questions?
We have set up a dedicated email address for any specific customer queries. Contact us via [email protected] or phone 9463 0500 Monday to Friday 8am-4pm.
By having Good Sammy as your trusted Containers for Change partner, you are actively helping to create a more inclusive society. Every container transaction contributes directly to our efforts in providing employment opportunities, skills training, and support for Western Australians with disability.
Together, we can create a more sustainable future while building a community that values and embraces people of all abilities. By choosing Good Sammy, you are making a tangible difference in the lives of many, opening doors to opportunities and promoting inclusivity.
Thank you.