Disability Awareness Training
Our knowledgeable team will share their expertise to break down barriers and help you gain valuable insights, challenge your perceptions and build your awareness to support people with disability.
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Our knowledgeable team will share their expertise to break down barriers and help you gain valuable insights, challenge your perceptions and build your awareness to support people with disability.
One million Australians* with disability are not in the workforce, and only a third of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants of working age have an employment goal and funding…
Read moreabout Transforming workplaces and disability employmentIf you’ve driven past the Good Sammy Canning Vale head office lately you may have noticed we’re under construction! Good Sammy is excited to announce the commencement of a once-in-a-generation…
Read moreabout Building a better future for people with disabilityWhen most people think of Good Sammy, op shops are likely the first thing that comes to mind. But here’s the good news: there’s so much more to discover. Good…
Read moreabout Discover the Good Stuff: Good Sammy is more than just op shops