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Good Sammy announced as recipient of fundraising dinner

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The below media release was originally published on the City of Canning website.

The beneficiary of the inaugural City of Canning Mayor’s Charity Gala Dinner will be Good Sammy, a Western Australian charity, based in Canning Vale, which has been providing employment pathways for people with disability since 1958.

Council recently voted in favour of transforming the City’s civic dinner into a charity dinner, the first time that a Western Australian local government district will partner with its business community to deliver a civic event with a charitable purpose.

Good Sammy, has worked for over 60 years to provide employment and development opportunities for people with disabilities, with 26 op shops - including three in the City of Canning, and other social enterprises across the state assisting to fund their important activities.

The fundraising dinner, set for 10 November at the Cannington Exhibition Centre, is supported by Seven West Media’s PerthNow, as the event media partner.

“I am absolutely delighted that well-loved Western Australian charity, Good Sammy will be the beneficiary of the event and that the fundraising efforts from the night will directly support the amazing work that this wonderful charity is doing for Western Australians with disability.

The announcement of Good Sammy as our beneficiary charity and Seven West Media’s PerthNow as the event media partner, are two important milestones for the Mayor’s Charity Gala Dinner.

On a personal note, I am incredibly pleased to see that the planning for the event is well underway and I look forward to ticket sales opening soon and a lot of funds being raised on the night,” Mayor Hall said.

Good Sammy chief executive Kane Blackman said he was thrilled with the City of Canning’s decision and said the funds raised would be spent on employment and development programs for people with disability.

“Good Sammy is an iconic Western Australian charity that employs 700 people, including 300 people with disability in its retail, logistics and recycling social enterprises.

“There are 30,000 Western Australians who visit one of our op shops every week across the state,” he said.

“Our Head Office, Processing Centre, two retail stores, Factory Outlet and online store are all within the City of Canning.

“This event helps to shine a light on the importance of employment for people with disability,” Mr Blackman said.

A sponsorship prospectus will soon be made available outlining a number of sponsorship packages available for corporate sponsors who want to contribute to this charitable initiative.

“Events such as this are not possible without the generosity of sponsors, so we are seeking the support of our business community to partner with the City to help bring this important event to fruition,” said Mayor Hall.

The prospectus and event details, including ticket sales, are available here.

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City of Canning - Media Release
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